Is this considered inappropriate..?

There is still “self-harm” in the picture though, whether on yourself, the player, or on an NPC. But obviously “Gets stabbed” isn’t directly self-harm.

Self-harm is no longer evident on the previous image I sent at all. Not sure what you’re talking about

Take a look at Roblox’s most popular games. You’ll find loads of games involving killing but not a game about committing suicide. Anyone would assume that self harm is less appropriate than harming others in Roblox.

I said “to a reasonable extent”. I did not specify the intensity of the gore as it was unnecessary; Roblox is a children’s game, of course severely gory games are not allowed. Roblox allows a reasonable amount of gore in your game such as corpses(not too graphic) and blood.

This is all self explanatory. If your game compared to other games has a lot more gore, then it’ll probably get moderated. Even without considering what I’ve said you should be able to use common sense to tell if a game is too gory.

I am particularly talking about this image, which why I explicitly mentioned “Getting stabbed isn’t self-harm”.

You said if it has gore it will be moderated. You didn’t actually mention to what extent in that message, so of course I will assume you mean to any extent. However your previous message said that other games indeed have gore to an extent and are not moderated. Which does in fact disregard what you said.

You’re really exaggerating this argument in your favour. This is not a game about committing suicide, you say that as if that’s what my game is all about. It clearly shows that is is a death effect, meaning the player isn’t actually intentionally wanting to harming their character, it was caused by other players. In no way does it influence the behaviour.

And I completely agree a game “about suicide” is less appropriate than shooter games. This is clearly not the case here :joy:

Yeah, definitely, although the death effect you had in the first image was clearly about an NPC harming itself intentionally. You fixed it though.

You really don’t understand what I mean buddy

Let the words “player isn’t actually intentionally wanting to harming their character, it was caused by other players” sink into your head. That’s what a death effect is.

You guys are making several assumptions. You would need to play the game to understand it.

But at the end of day, the user will see a player’s character harming itself, which is what self-harming is about.

Bro… I didn’t mention the extent because everyone knows that incredibly gory games are not allowed on Roblox. I genuinely don’t understand why I have to tell you that dangerously gory games are not allowed. :clown_face:

I never said that your game was about committing suicide nor did I say that your game was all about self harm. Read the messages again. You said that my logic was that suicide is less appropriate than killing and I responded by telling you that anyone would assume that self harm is worse than harming others. I don’t know why you’re perceiving my replies as selfish and one sided accusations, I simply told you that Roblox discerns self harm worse than harming others.

In summary, no, you will not get banned if there is no self harm or too much gore.

You can’t believe you’re telling me this? Lol I can’t believe I’M telling you this. Here is how it went.

Your first message: " For your inquires, there are Roblox games with blood corpses and gore(to a reasonable extent)."

Your next message: “If it involves self harm or contains gore, it will be moderated.”

See how it disregards your first message?

If you did not intend to view my game as a suicidal game then why even mention a suicidal game as an argument in regards to my game?

You say Roblox discerns self harm worse than harming others. How would you know? You seen any? Heard any stories? Or are you just saying it because it’s what you think (obviously)?

Shooting games are allowed on the platform, references to self harm are not. Just read the TOS instead of trying to argue with people.

If you know that for a fact, quote the TOS relevant,

I want to know more about the game, and what the death effects do? The image looks more gory than it did before and the first one was more vague.

The Roblox community standards quite clearly say:
Suicide and Self Harm
At Roblox, we take our users’ well-being very seriously. We’re here to help provide resources for those struggling with mental health, and we may communicate with law enforcement regarding credible threats of self-harm. We don’t allow content or behavior that depicts, glorifies, or encourages suicide or self-injury, including:

  • Describing methods for suicide
  • Content that supports or depicts instances of self-harm

The thing is, I could say the same with the violence TOS Which states “The depiction, support, or glorification of war crimes or human rights violations, including torture”. Shooter games do exactly that.

Look, it’s not my job to rationalize Roblox’s TOS decisions. If you want to get you and your game banned, go right ahead.

That got deep. Wow.

I’m simply using logic mate

I thought you were capable of understanding that by gore I meant to an unacceptable extent. Let me rephrase what I said so that you can understand it. If it involves self harm or contains so much gore that it will psychologically endanger someone and cause chronic trauma, it will get moderated.

The picture you sent was suicidal at first. You edited it.
This is a pointless argument. You failed to understand something obvious and now you’re trying to justify it. Already gave you my answer, adios :wave:

Then use logic on your ban appeal and see how the support team reacts. The TOS isn’t meant to be debated over, stop acting like we can change it. If you have a problem with it, talk to Roblox.


I am and have understood everything you’ve said.

You expect me to understand what you mean in your head but not what you write? Not how it works. Doesn’t change the facts. Your second message, on paper, disregarded your first message.

You never answered me actually, you just mentioned how “everyone else would see suicidal references as less appropriate than harming other people” rather than giving your reasoning.