Hello, I am at the stage in my game where I am working on the enemy npcs.
Currently the majority of the enemy npcs will use a firearm of some sort, and with my current scripting knowledge the easiest and most logical way to implement the weapon’s path would be to…
Attach a part to the end of the firearm. Adjust the length of the part depending on the weapon. (Shotgun = shorter part, Sniper = longer part)
Turn CanCollide to false. Set the Transparency to 1. And insert a script that would damage the player. And then insert a 2nd script that would Enable/Disable the damage script along with sounds etc.
+Another script that would face the npc towards the closest player.
NPC = game.Workspace.NPC --named npc just to be simple
Part = game.Workspace.NPC.Gun.Part --the part that would damage the player if touching
damageScript = NPC.Gun.Part.DamageScript
while true do
--play reload sound
--play gunfire sound
damageScript.Enabled = true
wait(5) --just a random number
damageScript.Enabled = false
--stop gunfire sound
I would also obviously add a debounce,
Is this an effective way of creating a bullet path with a relatively low amount of scripting knowledge?
I imagine that it would be easy to create bullet drop considering the damage is being dealt from a part,
and I could just implement a muzzle flash/ smoke to indicate the gun being fired.
Any reply would be greatly appreciated.