Is this even a good method to stop player speed?

My game is round based game that has everyone start with with a 3 second countdown before starting. Obviously I don’t want the player moving before the game starts , so I set the player’s speed to 0 along with jump height. I had someone told me that that is a bad method and to use the “Disable Player Controls” Method.

This is what the code is :

local controls = require(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.PlayerModule):GetControls()

In a local script by the way

My only problem is , can’t an exploiter just call Enable() and get their speed back or no?
Is this a good method to stop player speed.

If it is a good method , how would you implement it?

You could anchor them on the server. But generally yes, calling :Disable() on the client is how most people do it

Calling :Disable() is currently the best way to do it, setting JumpHeight and WalkSpeed can also be modified by the client, so theres not really a way to go around this, or you do as @DataSigh mentioned above, anchoring the character.

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So I’m assuming I should Layer this with Anchoring on the Server as well? It’s just because I could just see someone using enable() to get their base speed back.

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overkill imo, just anchor on the server