Hello Robloxians! I’ve recently thought of updating my game icon to this, however I fear that because there’s alot of red, I might get moderated then further warned. What do you guys think?
I think it looks nice! But with your question, I don’t think it’s that graphic, since I’ve seen some Roblox games with some graphic icons, but anyway…
I guess you could remove the red blood on it, or replace it with something; that’s just what I have for a suggustion.
I think it’s completely fine. Again, some ROBLOX icons are way more graphic than that. The red isn’t an issue, nor is the little specks of blood on the robot’s blade-things.
No. I didn’t even notice there was blood on it!
And as far as I know, you can’t get moderated for excessively using the color red. Only excessively using purple is forbidden.
What?? Why is it forbidden? Charr
I didn’t notice the blood at all until others pointed it out, and as said before, there is nothing wrong with the color red. It created an intense appearance which is great for getting the player’s attention, but it is not scary or harmful in any way. There is much gray area with what is ok and what is isn’t with the ToS, but I don’t think this approaches that gray area at all. You should have no trouble using it.