Is this game okay to be up?

Hi! I am ReisDiggerboy1st and i recently made this game called “Cat” and yes i love it as i love cats a lot!

Here is the game link! Cat - Roblox

The problem is that something seems off with the music and i feel like it is not allowed… :confused: (@NowDoTheHarlemShake used the same music in The Normal Elevator and i decided to use it too since im inspired but it goes on longer.)

Also im sorry i know about the game thumbnail its bad quality i know… I just wanted to make something happy and simple!


This topic probably fits more into #help-and-feedback:game-design-support

In terms of the audio, we had a listen in game together and also I found the lyrics online. It says the word “sexy” as part of the lyrics, which is filtered in the chat so probably best to avoid having it in audio too.

Other than that, the audio would have been fine, even if slightly annoying to listen to lol

it gets annoying after a bit and i took the audio down because i don’t know how to shorten it so i don’t get banned… :frowning:

You could edit the audio in a program like Audacity before uploading to Roblox, so you only use the first half of the song.

To stop it being too repetitive, you could perhaps do some scripting so it only plays once when you click on a cat or something.

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okay sorry!! and thanks and yes

Try using that “classic” elevator music.

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