Is this game ready to advertise / sponser?

Is this game ready to advertise / sponser?

About the game
My Game Studio had developed a small game. The Game is Called " V i b e " , its 3 weeks old. Its kinda early to advertise or sponser but its also kinda finished the gameplay .

U can see the game link here : V I B E ( Beta Testing ) - Roblox

(1) Should I Advertise it or Sponser?
(2) How much should I start advertise/sponser it first if i should?
(3) Any Feedbacks?

The game is well done but I don’t know if despite the advertisement someone will play it because hangouts are usually not so popular. The choice is up to your team whether to advertise it or not. However, you did a great job :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

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Before sponsoring any game I like to make sure it’s perfect. Here are some areas where you can improve…

Here are some things that I really liked:

All in all, I can see that a lot of hard work has gone into this game. However, I recommend you go over your game with a fine comb and eliminate any errors.

All the best,


Don’t advertise/ sponsor yet! Well, you can do that if you feel it is right but the question is how will you make a profit? You need to have much more gamepasses/ one-time purchases for users to buy and maybe more of a concept in general? I would even say making a more immersive experience such as adding NPC’s, moving cars etc. The build it quite good but agreeing with other members, add more minor details. I hope this can help in anyway and wish you good luck for the success of your game! :slight_smile:

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The first thing that I noticed was the vibration of the camera which became annoying after a while. I understand the point of it but it’s kinda overkill. Also what would keep players here playing? Just hanging out with friends? What stops them from doing that in any other game which has gameplay? You say that you about finished the gameplay but what is there to do?

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