Do you think I should just dump a lot of money into sponsorships now?
By the way I already did that once and the results were horrible. it was mostly bacon players who really struggled at the game and therefore rage quitted after a couple minutes.
Meanwhile players who joined because of streamers who have played the game really enjoyed it so far.
By the way (moderator team) this isn’t supposed to be a promotion of the game… 10 extra plays don’t make that much of a difference do they?
It’s as ready as you think it is with sponsorships. Personally, if this were one of my games, I would have said I’m done a long time ago; the game is very pleasing both visually and gameplay-wise.
I wouldn’t worry about new players, unless it’s something you’d like to focus on next. New players will always leave if they think this a stereotypical game, but people who actually enjoy will continue to come back. Arcade-styled games get very boring and monotonous after a while though, repetitive actions is what makes it feel more like a job and can drive people away from it.
If you already had positive feedback, and you believe it’s enough to confirm the game will be appreciated by a bigger pool of players, then yes. However sponsorship alone won’t make much of a difference. I recommend also regularly posting videos of the game on YT Shorts and TikTok - even brainrot type of videos. I hate to recommend this but it’s the easiest way to reach a big audience nowadays
I tried it for a while but TikTok videos didn’t really get the game anywhere. it always got like 20 plays a day but that never really made the algorithm catch on.
I know, it takes a while. That’s why it’s not easy. What I see people do is post the same (or similar) videos until one is able to go viral. You could try recording 4-5 videos and cycle through them daily without creating something new everytime. It’s shady and lazy but you only really need to do it until you get attention. Otherwise you can try normal content creation on YouTube or visit some Discord servers that allow you to get some recognition. There’s also X you can use as well with the #Roblox and #RobloxDev tags. I’d tell you to contact big youtubers but most do not respond or ask for money. Either way, it’s all about the first impression
Well do you think there is anything I could change to make Roblox push it? Because good players give it great statistics at the moment. They play the game for like 29 minutes on average and spend robux in it. But average- bad players ragequit quickly and don’t spend anything at all. When I run sponsorships it’s one bacons that join the game.
What i’d recommend is adding shiftlock for mobile and instead of new guis appearing telling me 15s left, 10s left whatever, just make 1 text countdown down always being on the screen.
The shift lock for mobile is in the game’s settings already. Thanks for the idea with the countdown by the way. I always kinda felt like the screen looks too full at the beginning of each round.