Is this games plot racist

Im currently making a horror game where you are locked in a restaurant and you have to escape
however, it is a mexican restaurant.


El Fiesta’s last restaurant and status day is about to be over. You promised your wife you would be home by 8:00 to come home and fix the washing machine. However you forgot to turn on the tracker on your phone and you fell asleep in the restaurant. The restaurant has closed at 8:00 but it closed without any employees waking you up.

The next morning you notice a foul smell… the smell of rotten food being eaten by maggots. You wake up at 6:00 PM because you work till 6:00 PM, pick up the kids at the school club and come home. You wake up with maggots about to eat your eyes and you freak out. All around is tables, rooms and brick walls. You try breaking open the doors but they are locked. You try calling 911 but you have no service. Even though there is a free wifi service at the restaurant, its closed and you have no ability to get help.

After you notice no signs because all of the signs are spanish and you went to the closest restaurant near work far away from home. You see the menus on the ground with no english language. You try everything but you cant seem to find a way out.

Is this game offensive to some people? Because some things are in a foreign language that some people may find offensive.

Please respond, because I don’t want the risk of my game being taken down or people trying to get my game cancelled.


If anyone takes offence in a mexican restaurant they should rethink their life choices


As long as the text you place is not racist, idk, being a restaurant it can say “Baños a la izquierda”, “Cocina” or “Salida” to give an example.

There are many games like this but in english and so far I have not seen someone who speaks spanish who is offended by the language, if there were, they should do what @Orbular3 said.


If anything, it’s nice cultural inclusion. If it was a crude stereotypical depiction of Mexicans and their culture, I’d be warned to avoid it, but it sounds like an honest, realistic depiction.

My only off-topic worry is you’re referencing children/families in a horror game, be cautious with violence surrounding that kind of touchy topic.

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In my opinion, it sounds fine.
I don’t see why anyone would be offended by this tbh.
Just try not to take it too far…

and some unrelated advice: for the part where you try to call 911 but there’s no service, I think you can still call 911 on phones even with no service (so maybe try making something like there’s no battery or something)

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Its a mexican resturant… If someone gets upset by that they need jesus


As a person that is Mexican/Puerto Rican

No, it’s not offensive just don’t use racial slurs or crude jokes and ROBLOX won’t care.

In a world where flipping my pillowcase is offensive there is someone who will always find a way to be offended but other than that just use common sense.


I agree with the others, it is not offensive at all.

In the story, it’s like, you are in a place, and everyone speaks a different language than you, so it’s hard to communicate.

But if someone got offended by this, it means that are that soft, to be offended by someone walking, or flipping your pillow over, nevertheless, get offended by anything, to the point they to rethink their life choices, and need therapy, immediately.

Your game plot isn’t offensive. It’s not wrong to not know what does the language means.
If someone tried to cancel you, just simply ignore them.

Nothing offensive about it lol, but beware there are some, let’s say, unusual people in this world who will somehow say it’s offensive.

I would say dont make the signs Spanish - cos then the horror element of being lost wont work for Spanish people - maybe replace the language of the signs with some spooky demon language…