Is this good practice for functional programming?

i am very new to this subject and i am trying to implement it in some parts of my code. this is something i have put together for a simple example.

tables_util:iterate(gui_frame:GetChildren(), function(gui)
	if gui:IsA("Textbutton") then


function util:iterate<T>(tbl : {T}, func : (value : T) -> boolean)
	local new = {}

	for _, v in pairs(tbl) do

	return new

i studied through some sleitnick videos to start off. i just want to know if i am working with good practice. i’m a little bit confused because i don’t think firing a function per iteration is necessarily good for performance, but it could be. i am not sure though, which is why i am making this post.

if anybody could give me some helpful pointers, that would be great!

I’m not sure what the context of this is for, but, for such a simple purpose that already has a built-in global, there’s no point in doing this.

i realized that i wasn’t necessarily doing it correctly lol