Is this image inappropriate!?

Yes, that would probably be allowed. Just make sure the text is readable.


Doesn’t look inappropriate. You should ask them why they warned you. I think the text is unreadable.

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You could just change it to a E and call it “E for Epic”. :man_shrugging:
This way it would be “E for everyone” and not “A for Adults”


@NegateError Great idea! I might do just that but

Apparently this is what they replied

However they are so vague about Ratings or Warning labels I don’t know if E for Epic would be allowed :man_shrugging:

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I would think avoiding the use of any of the letters on the rating categories would get you safe.

Although, it’s quite vague when it says warning labels and ratings are not aloud. So I’m guessing they’re implying this for every letter as long as if it has design similarities to warning labels.

I think the most safest thing to do is just redesign the logo. :thinking:

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