Is this logo good?

Tell me if you liked this logo and if you have any feedback:


Really good! But some of the letters look squished together, like the O, G and the U, do you see that too or is it just me?
Other than that it’s great!


Thank you so much! Now looking at it, it does look squished!


Mhm! It’s great besides that! Hope you have a nice day!

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You too! Thank you for the feedback!

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I have no idea what you use to render it, but is it possible to anti-alias it? The choppy edges are the only thing taking away from it!


Okay, thank you so much for the feedback!

Also, I used Photopea because it is free! :slight_smile:

This guide here might help? I’m not familiar with Photopea!


Oh, thank you so much! I will make sure to check it out!

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It looks really great! As @dykoza said; the letters are kind of squished. I also noticed that the edges look a bit pixelated and not smooth, might want to fix that.

Overall, nice job!

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Thank you @Pancake4878, I will try to redo it!



I also had these:

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Imo it looks really boring and unoriginal. I’ve seen pretty much millions of the same design but different text and colors to it. Although I think the color you picked here is actually pretty nice. I don’t really know how you could improve it since I don’t know what the game is about but you can get some inspiration from other logos (really just suggest using some creativity instead of just the name)

random game logo off the front page if you wanna keep the same style but still have your logo look better (you can add whatever fits your game)



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The style has been overused and is overrated. Like the person above me said, you can put some creativity to it. The font and layout is too suited for a simulator, I’d recommend making a logo that fits the theme, unless that is the theme. Sorry if I sound rude.

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Yuppp it’s amazing! Although add your credits at a corner of it :grin: :+1:

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It is quite fastastic! That’s okay too! :+1:

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It’s a good, clean logo, however it looks similar to many others on the homepage.
“Cringy” is a hard theme, but maybe try swapping the O out with a laughing face or something, experiment to see what works best.


I will make sure to do that next time!