Is this map better with or without the bridge?

The bridge doesn’t serve much of a gameplay purpose, so we’re just talking about cosmetics here.
What do ya’ll think?

Credit to @vocksel for the build

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The images don’t appear to be loading.

I like the one with 2 bridges the most but I’d rather see a photo from a players perspective before deciding

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the bridge compliments the map very much


I like the bridge but I might try adding a simple railing/barrier thing in possibly a darker tone do add just a little detail since it feels slightly bland right now though it doesn’t need much since it looks like you’re going for a simple/cartoonyish look.


I like the bridge being there. but it’s style makes it feel a bit out of place with the rest of map.

I don’t like the bridge, it seems like it makes the map really cluttered. The bridge also seems pretty basic compared to the rest of the map.

Seems pointless, blocks out the sky and removes the focus on the pretty little town.
Off with their heads!

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I don’t like the bridge. I also think it makes the map look too cluttered.

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I think 1 Bridge would look nice for something large to set a scale for the map.

I don’t like the bridge, it just doesn’t look right compared to the rest of the map

Yeah bridages should be in the map but they should be more detailed.

I like it with one bridge. If there are going to be two, I would expect them to be stylistically different, like in real life; either a very old bridge or viaduct and the modern one that supersedes it, or an automobile bridge and a train bridge.

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In my opinion, it looks like the bridges just don’t belong on a map like that.

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I’d keep the bridge, it fills in the map much more than without it!

Love the second bridge version. :smiley:

lol ty. A lil’ late, but ty!

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