Is this meant to not work

local hash = game:GetService("KeyframeSequenceProvider"):RegisterKeyframeSequence(CurrentAnimationSequence)
			local anim ="Animation")
			anim.AnimationId = hash
			anim.Name = "CurrentPreviewAnimation"
			anim.Parent = CurrentRig
			local track = CurrentRig:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid"):LoadAnimation(anim)

I’ve tried running it in studio while not playtesting and it does nothing. Do animations not play if I’m not playtesting? if so, how can I preview an animation without playtesting

I think it’s not possible to run animations without playtesting. But theres a way you can play with Animation’s KeyFrameSequences. (if i know correctly)

There are some forums solved this. You can check out this one. Hope it helps you

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