I’ve been working on a UI menu design for my game, however it kinda pulls your attention away from the important stuff
each button has an animatable background, animatable icons, 3d text, and rotating stroke. I think it does a bit too much but i dont wish to remove anything. I do think i should make the icons animation play when hovering, if that makes sense.
At the moment i belive it is, one thing you could do is make the animations run per frame when hovering them, and then have the main frame’s animation run constantly just at a bit slower pace
I think you should remove all the moving effects unless an icon is being hovered over, might make it a bit less overwhelming. Also I would recommend splitting up the UI instead of having it all in one large menu.
Good design, implementation, too many movings in the same time. Make it so only hovered things are animated. And not outline of entire menu. Make it like shadow.
the animations are done to the point where the UI the honestly ruined in a way. the colors are already bright enough, and seeing like 10 different animations play at once feels like im watching a cocomelon video. i would recommend for you to have the animations play when you hover over the buttons, and not all at once.
This menu UI looks great and is cool! I’d say yes, it is doing too much and it’s all too close together with too many colors at once. Otherwise, great job on this! How long did it take to create? What is it used in?
the lag point doesnt land well because its really optimized, the icons arent viewport frames, theyre spritesheets using imagerectoffset and size, well not only the icons but everythings thats 2D animated ingame
Yes I agree. As much as the GUI does look very simple and cool, I don’t think it’s the best idea to have so much animation going on. If you could have the buttons only react when hovering, it would be a lot more minimal.
Also for a menu I think it’s generally better to keep it all accessible without scrolling.