Is this method OK?

If I were to make a projectile system, I would emit the bullets on the player’s client. I’d like to know if replicating the bullets CFrame on every frame would be ok. The server would then update the bullet’s CFrame.

I was thinking of a method to fire an event to all clients and just make a new bullet overall, but this would cause some problems. If a player gets hit, they could be seeing the bullet farther away from them.

I haven’t really worked with projectiles but I believe this is a terrible method.
Since 1, you already pointed this out but yeah, the player’s gonna see the bullet a bit farther back. And 2, there’s an easier way of doing “emitting the bullet on player’s client and having server replicate it to all clients,” which is setting the NetworkOwnership of the bullet to the client.

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This bullet is not an unanchored object. My system is like fastcast.

When i’ve made bullets, replicating them each frame was terrible for bandwidth, the best thing you can do is to tell the client to calculate projectile on their computer and tell the server to do the same, if you have client-sided projectiles it’s even easier, because server don’t need to actually re-calculate it