Is this module script protected from the client?

Hello Developers,

I’m working on a module that has a similar purpose to a LocalTween module (such as TweenClientV3) to reduce server side lag by moving all effect base stuff to only appear on the client.

Currently, I have this script located in ReplicatedStorage, here is a snippet from the module:

local ClientCommunicator = {}
local revClientCommunicator = game.ReplicatedStorage.remotes.RemoteEvents.ClientCommunicator

--for individual
ClientCommunicator.SendToSingle = function(player:Player, instance, property, value) 
	revClientCommunicator:FireClient(player, instance, property, value)

--for entire server
ClientCommunicator.SendToAll = function(instance, property, value)
	revClientCommunicator:FireAllClients(instance, property, value)

return ClientCommunicator

I’m wondering if this is protected from the client, and if so can I leave it inside of ReplicatedStorage?

–edit: The only remote being used here is a RemoteEvent

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Any remote sent from the server is protected, so this should be protected. Sending from the client to the server is where exploiters can take over.

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Only using a RemoteEvent, should I be fine?

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Yes, exploiters can only fire to the server not fire to clients, your script is fine.


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