So I recently got some music from a person and I asked for upbeat, chilled out but still enjoyable, and loopable. The game is knife simulator where you go around and try to get kills. Does this music seem like it fits the above criteria?
I’d say this track fits all the criteria that you listed there.
I don’t think it quite fits the theme of “going around and killing others with knives”.
Great track regardless.
I’m unable to listen to the track, but from what you’ve described, you’ve answered your own question.
If you’re producing a game, and you ask for services, you have the right to reject the product of those services if you aren’t sure it’s the right fit. By asking for outside advice, you demonstrate that sentiment of unsure commitment. I’d advise you ask for another song or find another composer.
Note I am not saying the song is bad. It’s by Monophony, for crying out loud; the guy is one of the best in the business. But if you have to ask to see if it’s good, then your confidence is always going to be half what it should be. This is your game. Be confident in all aspects of it.
He will not give me a refund and will not redo the track, even though he clearly stated that if I do not like it, he will redo it.
Then, if you truly do not feel the track is the best fit for your game, I’d suggest rejecting the product and finding another composer.
He already took half of the money and won’t refund it. That was the money I had to hire a composer so I can’t do anything.
That is the risk you run with commissions. I’d offer myself, but sadly I’ve been scammed out of way too many commissions; I can’t afford my DAW license anymore.
Contact @DevNetCheese or @Disparrel to see if they will help you. Or I can find some more who may be willing to take a percentage over time.
Hmm, the composer made the song more chill/lofi than upbeat in my opinion. I don’t think it’s suitable for a knife simulator game.
That is what I thought but he is being stubborn.
I just had a talk with him - he’s insisting that you only asked for the upbeat song. I did explain to him that you did pay him though, and you’re expecting a song that you can use but he’s choosing that he doesn’t have to do anything. If you want more info, DM me and I can send you some images of the text if you want! I can also try helping you with the issue!
But @DevNetCheese is a good alternative if you still need a track.
I don’t think this is the appropriate mentality. If someone works hard to make a product that meets your criteria, you can’t just say “I don’t like it, I’m not paying you for your hours of work, make a new one.” Requesting minor revisions is fine, but in this instance, OP received a great product but wasn’t specific enough in his/her specifications.
Hello, This best does not fit your simulator I can see how it’s some what up beat but not fully maybe try telling him/her to make it more upbeat. [Sometimes it’s about the idea of the simulator than the song you want].
I did try telling him to make it more upbeat, but he ignored me outright.
Well, the only thing I can say is you need to find someone else to do it. If you told him that it’s not what you wanted and he still did not fit it. It’s time to find another person.
As I said, I don’t know if it’s a great product or not; only the reputation of the producer. However, since the commission was already partially paid, and the rest was contingent(to my knowledge) on acceptance for delivery, then the OP is within his right to reject the product and further payment. I’ve had it happen to me a lot, because I work not in EDM styles of music, which APPARENTLY is the only style most people are interested in. Therefore I accept that as standard practice.
This would fit a lobby if I’m being honest. Maybe go for something a little more menacing or tense?
The track you listed does fit the criteria. Really nice track, but I would not really say it is the type of track I would want when Killin people
Overall great track though!
The track you have definitely falls under what you were asking for, but I don’t think it fits for game where you kill people. I would say that the music should be moderately fast-paced but something that isn’t irritating; fast but smooth.