This is my first time devexing everything was fine. It showed that the request was submitted and stuff.
Although, after a couple of days the request was gone. Is this a normal thing? Going to the create tab on Roblox and it shows my DevEx Request is still pending.
Did you receive your developer exchange check through paypal? This issue has never personally happened to me.
I still haven’t received the check from the developer exchange. I emailed Roblox support earlier today, hopefully, the issue can be resolved.
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Maybe it takes a while for PayPal to go through just remember to keep All ur screenshots!
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Hi @GraphicalElite , same thing happened to me the other day and i don’t know what to do with your same amounts, keep me posted about this problem
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same thing is happening to me and its been like week and nothing happen i didn’t get any respond
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Did you still not get a response? I’m still waiting for mine.
yeah i’m still waiting, i think we are not gonna get response anytime soon
Roblox support responded. Turns out, my Paypal information wasn’t valid. Idk how that is possible I made sure to put in the right info. It’s basically my email and first/last name on my account, that’s it.

They finally responsed after 2 weeks. turns out my Paypal info in invaild.
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same and i got the money just today

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