Is this normal?

my GUI looks different in game as opposed to studio.

  • i have size & position properties set to scale rather than offset :white_check_mark:
  • i also have ignoreGuiInset set to true on the screengui :white_check_mark:

in studio:

in game:

(there’s not much of a difference but the gui is more towards the bottom right in studio)

I believe it is. I think you can fix this by using an AspectRatioConstraint not too sure. Also make use of the Test → Device window on in roblox studio to see if other device render the frames similarly.

Video stuff

Watch the plugin install chapter and 8:25 to 8:40 for the AspectRatioConstraint
And watch the 8:50 to 9:00 for the Test → Device thing

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that is super, super handy.

absolutely perfect, thanks so much for your help noob! you saved me so much time. :slight_smile: