Is this ok?, clash dash

how i have this mechanic that is basicly dash clash from ki battlegrounds, but more inspired in the original source, that be a ps2 game about dbz, “dragon ball z tenkaichi 3”, im making the base of the script on the script, but i dont know if is ok to do this:

theres 2 opponents, and they have a raycast in their dash front, and when detecting a humanoid that has a attribute “DashFront”, its start a event or better say a function, each one can be in server or in client but with the same end as well, now, to put together both characters in place, and facing each other, i did a loop with runservice, if is on client uses RenderStepped or if is on server, then uses heartbeat, but in anycase, this happens:

robloxapp-20241022-0842148.wmv (1.6 MB)

im a little scare if this cause any physics issues, cuz both players putting them self in front of the other.

it is not like they put the other in front there, the character itself is putting in front of the other

any advice will be thanked

hello?, i really want to know if this can be solved in other way

Please consider using some format like mov/mp4 when recording videos (OBS Studio helps), people are way less willing to provide help when the video doesn’t embed on the website & they have to download it.

From what I understand, whenever someone dashes towards you and you use melee combat, a “clash” happens and the opponent is forcefully moved in front of you?

I’m not too sure about what way of moving the characters you use, but I would suggest AlignPosition & AlignOrientation (BodyPosition & BodyGyro if you don’t want a constraint, but do remember they’re officially deprecated).

first, im in school rn, so i couldnt use obs, if i were on my home i would use obs.
and second, you are kinda highly correct of what you deducted.
but without the melee combat, is literaly hand to hand combat, but im using CFrame, and not any align position or orientation, just cframe in a loop. and cframe.lookat for the characters look each other

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Oooh I see what you want to do.
Technically CFraming is a valid solution, BUT if it’s done on the server it’ll be wonky in fast-paced combat. Your character is always replicated with a slight delay no matter what you do (which is further amplified by physics interpolation), so a sudden CFrame change on the server will lag you back by a noticable distance. I am not too certain what would the ideal solution here be, but I would still opt for Roblox-supported physics movers.

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mmh, yeah, i mean youre right, cuz i made it that you can have a dummy wich the dummy is ofc is in server totally, and if youre a player, youre affected in client, cuz youre a player, and maybe i should use alight position or orientation cuz more better smoothness.

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