Is this OK for console

So, I’ve been making a horror game. I am happy with it, but I don’t know if I can make it available for console or not. It has a bit of blood, but Flee the Facility does too. So, please tell me if it is ok for Xbox or not. Here is the game:

Here are some pictures that are probably the most important:

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Looks alright, I suggest making an option to toggle the blood and gore because the console has some limitations regarding violence such as blood, gore, etc.

This is wrong code. A gamepad doesn’t guarantee if they are on xbox since PC can use gamepads too.
You want to use GuiService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
which is only true on consoles.

I dont thing so just bring down a little bit of gore and you know the… but, other than that your fine. Just remember your bring this to children not adults. But nice map and stuff :wink:

Okay, thanks everyone! I’ll probably try replacing the hanging people with just colors, or maybe I’ll add a GUI at the beginning that warns people that the game contains some blood. Or I might try adding a script to detect Xboxes. Thanks again