Is this possibile?

So I came up with a idea and was wondering if it was actually possible to script before I possible start it?

  1. Could I make it so if someone touches a block everyone in the game dies and adds +1 to a leaderstat to Only The Player who touched it?
  2. Could I refer to all parts make it so that 1 randomly changes color?(Maybe in a folder)
  3. Could I make a script so that if any part is a certain color that it would have can collide off?

If you could give example scripts that would be nice too.


All those 3 are possible as they are simple enough to make

  1. The first can be made using the .Touched event of a part, you can do that, use a loop for all the players in game, check if their character exists and if it does, kill them

  2. Same thing, use .Touched, reference a folder with all the parts and get a random one via math.random

  3. You can do this one by combining it with the 2nd one or just use GetPropertyChangedSignal on the BrickColor and do something when a specific brickcolor is on the part, if you’re using brickcolor

If you require anymore assistance such as not understanding a certain thing, tell me I’ll help to the best of my ability


For the first one, you could have this

if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
v.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0

I want it to randomly change all the time

1: Yes it is, when the part is touched, loop through all the players and get their humanoid and set the health to 0
2: Yes you can as well, just use Random:NextInteger between 1 and all the amount of parts and choose a random part and change the color, if you want parts in all folders instead of just workspace, use GetDescendants
3: Yes you can, use GetDescendants and check if the child is a basepart and check if the part’s color is that specific color, if it is, turn CanCollide off

Ohh, then in case you can have a while true do loop and after a certain amount of time, get a random part from a folder and change its color

This kills all players in the game?

Wont this just mean closest player?

No, it just checks the parent and checks if there is a child called humanoid in it which would be a player

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But I want all the parts to be in there is there a way I can refer to them?

His code works like this

  • When something tocuhes the part, check if it’s a humanoid via the Parent of the hit part and finding the first thing called “Humanoid”
  • IF they are a humanoid, loop through all the players and set their character’s humanoid health to 0
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So wait, you want any part in the workspace to randomly change color? even if they aren’t in the folder?

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You can use a for i, v in pairs loop for that

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No just in the folder. All parts in that folder

Again it’s simple, use a while true do loop, after a certain amount of time, get a random part from the folder and set its color to random color. I think that’s what you wanted

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To do that, you have to get the children of that specific folder (if they are a BasePart) and than get a random part and change it’s color

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So again lets say if 10 people were in the game then 10 people would die with this code?

Yes, it loops through all of the players and finds their character

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That is correct, the only issue comes if one of those characters is nil, aka, not respawned by the time something tocuhes the part

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Somewhere in that code could it add to a leaderstat?

It’s possible yea, you just need a leaderstat script already done and just set whatever value you want to a leaderstat value in there