Is this possible?

Is this possible -
An Npc starts at a part named “NpcWalkPart1” and walks to ““NpcWalkPart2” and then stops.
The Npc then says Hello or something along the lines of a greeting.
When the player responds the npc says something to the player ( generated by AI / completely random ).
The npc can get mad and happy. The more happy the npc is, the more likely It will become your friend.
If the conversation is good and the npc does not get mad then It walks back to NpcWalkPart2 and disappears. You get 1 friend point which is the main currency for the game. Also you have a likeness rating which is a textlabel at the bottom of your screen. It shows what percent of npc likes you. Then after 5 seconds a new npc responds. The npc’s are the player’s friends on roblox. If the player has no friends on roblox then their avatar is the npc.
If the player does not respond to the npc after 2 minutes then It walks away and a new one comes. The player must be in a certain distance for the npc to spawn in. If the player is too far away from the npcs it will walk away.
The walk animation for the Npc’s are “14355716108”.

I just need to know if it’s possible on Roblox.


Practically, almost anything is possible on Roblox, I just wanna know which specific part you need help with.

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Do you need to pay for Chatgpt or another AI service to generate the text?

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Oh. I’m not sure about that. I never tried anything involving Artificial Intelligence in my projects.

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You have to pay to use API services yes. Hard to find ones that give their API for free but I’ve seen people done chatbot on roblox.

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