Is this possible?

Can you tell me if this script works? There are no errors in the output, but this script doesn’t do anything. I am trying to change a value in a script through another script. I will give you the two scripts.

local AutoSave = 60
local StartAmmount = 0
local DataSaveService = game:GetService('DataStoreService'):GetDataStore(''..CurrencyName..'DataStorage')


  local success, newData = pcall(function()
	return DataSaveService:GetAsync(Player.userId) or StartAmmount

  local leaderstats = Player:WaitForChild('leaderstats')

  local Currency ='NumberValue',leaderstats)
  Currency.Name = CurrencyName
  Currency.Value = newData

  while wait(AutoSave) do
   print('Saving '..CurrencyName..'')
   local success, ValueAmmount = pcall(function()
	return DataSaveService:SetAsync(Player.userId, Currency.Value)

This is my leaderstats script, and I want to change the Currency.Value through another script. This is that script.

local Points = game.ServerScriptService.DrumPointsLeaderstats.Currency.Value
local Noise = game.SoundService.Snap
function onMouseClick()
	Points = Points + 1


Does this work on anyone else’s end? Is this a bug? how could I fix it?

I recommend saving the players data as a table if you want the players save to contain more than one value.
I also recommend saving the players data when they leave, so you dont risk going into the queue.

The reason why its not working because the Points variable is being set to the Currency value.
Try using this instead:
local Points = game.ServerScriptService.DrumPointsLeaderstats.Currency
local Noise = game.SoundService.Snap
function onMouseClick()
Points.Value = Points.Value + 1


(sorry I don’t know how to format code lol)

It’s fine. I actually changed it to a .Touched function. But every time i add in the value to change, the noise doesn’t play and the script does nothing.

 if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
		game.ServerScriptService.Leaderstats["Drum PointsLeaderstats"].Currency.Value = game.ServerScriptService.Leaderstats["Drum PointsLeaderstats"].Currency.Value + 1

And yes,i know that i should define the leaderstats in a local, but i tried that and the same problem came up

Let me try replicating the issue and fixing it accordingly.
I’ll edit this once I’ve figured it out.

(mind telling me how to format code so its not just t h e r e lol?)

if you add three backstrokes at the beginning and end. On a mac they are the button directly to the left of the 1.

Okay it appears what you’ve told me that its an issue with the line
if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then

Is the character supposed to be hitting the part?

If so, check if the name of the Humanoid is different.
Try using this instead:

local server_script_service = game:GetService('ServerScriptService')

local leaderstats = server_script_service:WaitForChild('Leaderstats')
local drum_pointsleaderstats = leaderstats:WaitForChild('Drum PointsLeaderstats')
local currency = drum_pointsleaderstats:WaitForChild('Currency')

local part = script.Parent
local sound = part:WaitForChild('Snap')

    if hit.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid') then
        currency.Value = currency.Value + 1
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