I was scrolling through some of my old places and came across this mysterious script in multiple of the parts in the place, I have no idea what it does and I’m curious, maybe someone here can shed some light on it for me.
– The script as I found it.
local i=string.byte;local d=string.char;local c=string.sub;local u=table.concat;local L=getfenv or function()return _ENV end;local l=setmetatable;local s=select;local h=unpack;local r=tonumber;local function m(i)local e,n,a="","",{}local o=256;local t={}for l=0,o-1 do t[l]=d(l)end;local l=1;local function f()local e=r(c(i,l,l),36)l=l+1;local n=r(c(i,l,l+e-1),36)l=l+e;return n end;e=d(f())a[1]=e;while l<#i do local l=f()if t[l]then n=t[l]else n=e..c(e,1,1)end;t[o]=e..c(n,1,1)a[#a+1],e,o=n,n,o+1 end;return table.concat(a)end;local t=m('24327427424927526N24B22R23021F24B27427927B21I27E24326J23V27H23V27426M23N24Z24321I23N27F23N27H27V24326N27X23027U27426J24Z27H27S24327Q27S28428A24B27V27I27P27J28H24324727524124427526926U26A26E26Y28R24124127525D26U24027422B25221Y21423F25U29224323725U23A29725U243');local o=bit and bit.bxor or function(l,n)local e,o=1,0 while l>0 and n>0 do local a,c=l%2,n%2 if a~=c then o=o+e end l,n,e=(l-a)/2,(n-c)/2,e*2 end if l<n then l=n end while l>0 do local n=l%2 if n>0 then o=o+e end l,e=(l-n)/2,e*2 end return o end local function e(e,l,n)if n then local l=(e/2^(l-1))%2^((n-1)-(l-1)+1);return l-l%1;else local l=2^(l-1);return(e%(l+l)>=l)and 1 or 0;end;end;local l=1;local function n()local c,n,e,a=i(t,l,l+3);c=o(c,147)n=o(n,147)e=o(e,147)a=o(a,147)l=l+4;return(a*16777216)+(e*65536)+(n*256)+c;end;local function a()local e=o(i(t,l,l),147);l=l+1;return e;end;local function m()local l=n();local o=n();local c=1;local n=(e(o,1,20)*(2^32))+l;local l=e(o,21,31);local e=((-1)^e(o,32));if(l==0)then if(n==0)then return e*0;else l=1;c=0;end;elseif(l==2047)then return(n==0)and(e*(1/0))or(e*(0/0));end;return e*(2^(l-1023))*(c+(n/(2^52)));end;local r=n;local function f(e)local n;if(not e)then e=r();if(e==0)then return'';end;end;n=c(t,l,l+e-1);l=l+e;local e={}for l=1,#n do e[l]=d(o(i(c(n,l,l)),147))end return u(e);end;local l=n;local function u()local i={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};local l={};local c={};local t={i,nil,l,nil,nil,nil,c};t[5]=a();for e=1,n()do l[e-1]=u();end;for a=1,n()do local c=o(n(),125);local n=o(n(),165);local o=e(c,1,2);local l=e(n,1,11);local l={l,e(c,3,11),nil,nil,n};if(o==0)then l[3]=e(c,12,20);l[5]=e(c,21,29);elseif(o==1)then l[3]=e(n,12,33);elseif(o==2)then l[3]=e(n,12,32)-1048575;elseif(o==3)then l[3]=e(n,12,32)-1048575;l[5]=e(c,21,29);end;i[a]=l;end;local l=n()local n={0,0,0,0};for o=1,l do local e=a();local l;if(e==1)then l=(a()~=0);elseif(e==3)then l=m();elseif(e==2)then l=f();end;n[o]=l;end;t[2]=n t[6]=a();return t;end;local function m(l,e,f)local d=l[1];local i=l[2];local e=l[3];local e=l[6];return function(...)local n=1;local c=-1;local a={};local r={...};local l=s('#',...)-1;local o={};local o={nil,nil};for l=0,l do if(l>=e)then a[l-e]=r[l+1];else o[l]=r[l+1];end;end;local l;local t;while true do l=d[n];t=l[1];if t<=5 then if t<=2 then if t<=0 then do return end;elseif t>1 then local n=l[2];local a={};local e=0;local t=n+l[3]-1;for l=n+1,t do e=e+1;a[e]=o[l];end;local a={o[n](h(a,1,t-n))};local l=n+l[5]-2;e=0;for l=n,l do e=e+1;o[l]=a[e];end;c=l;else local e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=i[l[3]];end;elseif t<=3 then local e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=f[i[l[3]]];elseif t>4 then f[i[l[3]]]=o[l[2]];n=n+1;l=d[n];local e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=f[i[l[3]]];n=n+1;l=d[n];e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=i[l[3]];n=n+1;l=d[n];e=l[2];r={};local a=0;Limit=e+l[3]-1;for l=e+1,Limit do a=a+1;r[a]=o[l];end;local t={o[e](h(r,1,Limit-e))};Limit=e+l[5]-2;a=0;for l=e,Limit do a=a+1;o[l]=t[a];end;c=Limit;n=n+1;l=d[n];f[i[l[3]]]=o[l[2]];n=n+1;l=d[n];e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=f[i[l[3]]];n=n+1;l=d[n];e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=i[l[3]];n=n+1;l=d[n];e=l[2];r={};a=0;Limit=e+l[3]-1;for l=e+1,Limit do a=a+1;r[a]=o[l];end;t={o[e](h(r,1,Limit-e))};Limit=e+l[5]-2;a=0;for l=e,Limit do a=a+1;o[l]=t[a];end;c=Limit;n=n+1;l=d[n];e=l[2];o[e]();c=e-1;n=n+1;l=d[n];do return end;else do return end;end;elseif t<=8 then if t<=6 then local e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=f[i[l[3]]];elseif t>7 then local l=l[2];o[l]();c=l-1;else local l=l[2];o[l]();c=l-1;end;elseif t<=10 then if t>9 then local n=l[2];local a={};local e=0;local t=n+l[3]-1;for l=n+1,t do e=e+1;a[e]=o[l];end;local a={o[n](h(a,1,t-n))};local l=n+l[5]-2;e=0;for l=n,l do e=e+1;o[l]=a[e];end;c=l;else local e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=i[l[3]];end;elseif t==11 then f[i[l[3]]]=o[l[2]];else f[i[l[3]]]=o[l[2]];end;n=n+1;end;end;end;return m(u(),{},L())();
– Script after GPT removed unnecessary variables and made multiple lines.
local getfenv = getfenv or function() return _ENV end
local function decompress(compressed_string)
local dictionary, output = {}, {}
for i = 0, 255 do
dictionary[i] = string.char(i)
local input_pos = 1
local function read_next_chunk()
local chunk_length = tonumber(compressed_string:sub(input_pos, input_pos), 36)
input_pos = input_pos + 1
return compressed_string:sub(input_pos, input_pos + chunk_length - 1)
local function append_output(symbol)
output[#output + 1] = symbol
local function decompress_chunk()
local code1, code2, code3, code4 = compressed_string:byte(input_pos, input_pos + 3)
code1, code2, code3, code4 = (code1 or 0) % 147, (code2 or 0) % 147, (code3 or 0) % 147, (code4 or 0) % 147
input_pos = input_pos + 4
return code4 * 16777216 + code3 * 65536 + code2 * 256 + code1
local function decompress_chunk_size()
return compressed_string:byte(input_pos, input_pos) % 147
local function decompress_chunk_float()
local mantissa = decompress_chunk()
local exponent = decompress_chunk()
local sign = 1
if exponent == 0 then
if mantissa == 0 then
return sign * 0
exponent = 1
sign = 0
elseif exponent == 2047 then
if mantissa == 0 then
return sign * (1 / 0)
return sign * (0 / 0)
return sign * 2^(exponent - 1023) * (1 + mantissa / 2^52)
local function decompress_string(length)
local result = {}
for i = 1, length do
result[i] = string.char(decompress_chunk() % 147)
return table.concat(result)
local function decompress_chunk_array()
local size = decompress_chunk()
local array = {}
for i = 1, size do
array[i] = decompress_chunk_float()
return array
local function decompress_chunk_object()
local keys = decompress_chunk_array()
local values = {}
for i = 1, #keys do
local type_code = decompress_chunk_size()
if type_code == 1 then
values[i] = (decompress_chunk() ~= 0)
elseif type_code == 3 then
values[i] = decompress_chunk_float()
elseif type_code == 2 then
values[i] = decompress_string(decompress_chunk())
return keys, values
local function decompress_object()
local array = decompress_chunk_array()
local keys = {}
local values = {}
local num_keys = decompress_chunk()
for i = 1, num_keys do
local key = decompress_chunk_float()
local type_code = decompress_chunk_size()
if type_code == 1 then
values[i] = (decompress_chunk() ~= 0)
elseif type_code == 3 then
values[i] = decompress_chunk_float()
elseif type_code == 2 then
values[i] = decompress_string(decompress_chunk())
keys[i] = key
return array, keys, values
return decompress_object()
return decompress