Is this script Right?

I have a CollisionGroupId LocalScript in StarterCharacterScripts that Doesnt Work, could you give me suggestions or help on this?


char = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character

char.RightFoot.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.LeftFoot.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.RightLowerLeg.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.LeftLowerLeg.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.RightUpperLeg.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.LeftUpperLeg.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.LowerTorso.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.UpperTorso.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.Head.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.LeftHand.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.RightHand.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.LeftLowerArm.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.RightLowerArm.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.LeftUpperArm.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.RightUpperArm.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.HumanoidRootPart.CollisionGroupId = 2

workspace.Ball.CollisionGroupId = 2

I still Collide with the ball (the ball is unanchored)
Its probably to do with collision settings
so help would be nice!

You’re using the wrong type of script. Both the character and ball are serverside, so the localscript won’t do anything.

I’ve rewritten it so it will work in a normal script in startercharacterscripts.

char = script.Parent

char.RightFoot.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.LeftFoot.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.RightLowerLeg.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.LeftLowerLeg.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.RightUpperLeg.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.LeftUpperLeg.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.LowerTorso.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.UpperTorso.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.Head.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.LeftHand.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.RightHand.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.LeftLowerArm.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.RightLowerArm.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.LeftUpperArm.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.RightUpperArm.CollisionGroupId = 2
char.HumanoidRootPart.CollisionGroupId = 2

game.workspace.Ball.CollisionGroupId = 2

Oh, ok I will try that and hope it works

I also noticed your original script just says “workspace”. Workspace is a service and should be referred to as “game.workspace” in order to avoid errors.

For the love of David Baszucki, I GET IT! I’m still probably going to type game.workspace out of muscle memory, but I understand that workspace won’t break your script.

Thanks for you help but the only problem is that i still collide with the ball, is there some collisiongroup problemor something?

This is actually not true. Using only “workspace” is a shortcut and I actually always use it. It’s just what you prefer.


please for the love of the holy christ take some time to learn about for loops, it will save so much time

char = script.Parent

for _, charPart in pairs (char:GetChildren())
if charPart:IsA(“MeshPart”) or charPart:IsA(“Part”) then
charPart.CollisionGroupID = 2

workspace.Ball.CollisionGroupId = 2

apologies for any spelling mistakes or errors in the script, i’m on mobile currently

its not the script, its something about the collision, i still cant go through the ball

can you send a screenshot of the explorer maybe?

how do I screenshot my Explorer?

press the windows button
type “snip”
click “snipping tool”
click “new”
drag the square over the explorer
click “file”
click “save”

Windows button+ Prt scrn

Maybe that?

Assuming ur on an acer

Its just your localscript in starterCharacterScript


local char, colId = script.Parent, 2

for _,charPart in pairs(char:GetChildren()) do
if charPart:IsA("BasePart") then
charPart.CollisionGroupID = colId

workspace.Ball.CollisionGroupId = colId
1 Like

I tried doing two parts with a collisiongruopid set to 3 and they still collided, so it not the script.

even better

fing character limit

read this articlel; it might help you:
Collision Filtering | Roblox Creator Documentation
use serverscripts




also use server script with a code like:

for i,v in pairs(my_Character:GetChildren())do
	if v:IsA("Part") or v:IsA("MeshPart")then

and place the script inside “StarterPlayerScripts”

workspace is actually a shortcut for game.workspace, since it used constantly

Pretty sure you should use just “workspace”