So I made a tool with security which has local script firing a remote event and the server script getting the remote event. After the server script checks if the player that fired it is the tool’s parent, and then changing an initial value to 2. Lastly, another server script is fired when the initial value is changed to 2.
-- Local Script
local Tool = script.Parent
local debounce = false
if not debounce then
debounce = true
debounce = false
-- Server Script 1
local Tool = script.Parent
if player == game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Tool.Parent) then
Tool.DoubleCheck.Value = 2
Tool.DoubleCheck.Value = 0
-- Server Script 2 (Double Check)
local Tool = script.Parent
if Tool.DoubleCheck.Value == 2 then
I would personally recommend you to store Remote Events inside ReplicatedStorage and Server Scripts inside ServerScriptService rather than having everything inside the tool, though it’s more of an organization (I would argue having the Server Script hidden from the client end is also a small bonus on security).
Instead of doing the value checking thing, you could instead just use a boolean and check true/false.
Security-wise, it ain’t bad, though I’d be careful about punishing players that fail the check.
The debounce on the client can be exploited, have the debounce on the server instead. Also, server scripts should usually be placed in ServerScriptService for organization and no, there is no “security” bonus involved when you place them in ServerScriptService because the bytecode or source of a server script is not replicated to the client even if it is placed where the client can access it.
If bytecode is not replicated but the source of the script is, the exploiter would just see a blank script.
-- server script
local debounce
if player ~= game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Tool.Parent) or debounce ~= nil and os.time() - debounce < .5 then return end
debounce = os.time()
Tool.DoubleCheck.Value = 2
Tool.DoubleCheck.Value = 0
I double with the users here, part deletion replicates if it is in your character, that’s why some people can have block heads, remove their limbs, remove their humanoid, or anything else, and everyone will see it. You really should put anticheats anywhere other than directly in the player’s character
The bytecode of source of a server script is never replicated to the client even if it is placed somewhere where the client can see it.
However it is good practice that you handle all your tools in 1 server script placed in ServerScriptService and you can split in modules for organization and efficiency purposes.