a trait/perk I was designing as a concept for my game involves the use of ‘Sting’ which is basically beer.
Sting technically isn’t alcoholic, but it has the same affects.
If you’re wondering the use, the trait is “Shellshocked”. Basically, if you don’t keep your sanity bar down, you will get enraged for 10 minutes. It makes your attacks do 150% damage, immune to stagger, 50% chance to survive a lethal hit, and 50% chance to not be inflicted by bleeding. However, your aim is constantly off due to your character shaking. It also takes 20-30 minutes to regen the enragement.
Drinking Sting is the only way to keep this sanity bar down. (basically, traumatized guy drinks his sorrows away).
Is this allowed? It’s themed after beer and a real life problem. I’m also going to include this as a food item, not just for the perk.
Thanks, any help is appreciated.