Is this UI allowed?

Sorry if this is off-topic please tell me if it is
I’m making a better age confirmation concept. However, I’m stuck here:
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I want to know if this is allowed. I’m worried that this will get moderated, or worse, I might be banned because of the sentence ‘Enter your age here’. Please tell me if this is allowed. :frowning: Thanks.

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This is definitely against ToS you can’t collect informations about users in your game. Use PolicyService instead.

(Sorry I thought you are asking fo real age but I wouldn’t do that either)


Alright then. How would I use policy service to achieve this kind of thing?
(Please message me in case the reply will be flagged as off-topic.)

You can only really check if player is under or above age of 13.

What is this ui for? Why do you need age confirmation?

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It’s a concept. I’m just showing what I think is better age confirmation for Roblox.

How would that be a better age verification than the one we already have? Every child nowadays usually gives a false age or date of birth for such things.

I understand your idea, but it is absolutely not feasible. We developers are not allowed to collect private user data. You have changed the UI now, but now it no longer makes any sense, because you now only ask for a number that has no relation to the player.


You could however access the player’s age number. If it’s over a specific age number, they’ll see a message saying “You can’t play this game sorry”

But yeah I think the ui you are designing isn’t allowed which makes others think it’s suspicious

You arent allowed to collect any personal information, so I do not think this would be allowed.


I once heard that you are not allowed to ask a personal question

To whoever is saying that I am illegally collecting personal information, remember that this is a concept, not a real age confirmation system. I will not collect and keep any personal information given. Thank you.
One more time and I give up if this will still not be allowed and still be claimed to be illegal.
If this isn’t allowed I’ll find other things to make concepts about.
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Don’t mind the exponents there

Because you tell the player that you don’t want their real age, this is not against the ToS. But you are walking a very fine line

I’ve heard of a bot being a Roblox mod which gives me a big problem because bots are more likely to misinterpret things. So yeah it is a fine line.

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Why you are asking the player’s age at first place ? are you making a bad game?

Use PolicyService then check if the users age is under or over 13 and then if not over 13 then kick or whatever you want. This could be a safer reasoning.

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If you do this your account will be gone the second they see it, so I wouldn’t exactly recommend it.

This is against Roblox Terms Of Service. You can’t collect information about minors (specifically those under the age of 13). If you added this UI feature to your game, it would immediately be banned from Roblox and you could possibly get into legal trouble.

Do not implement this UI feature into your game considering the following.

You’re not allowed to make this, at all.

It’s not allowed in anyway you attempt to create it in. If making this UI is not morally right, then it’s generally disallowed regardless. It’s like me asking if making a game with lots of bloody things in it is allowed. It’s just not morally correct, and therefore is already disallowed by ToS itself.

If you do try to make this in any form it’d be called bypassing, and would generally be frowned upon.

To stay safe, do not make this system at all. Roblox by itself already has a good system by determining if someone has a specific age or not. API wise, PolicyService. Website wise, ID verification (mainly used for Voice Chat, but eh, still verification).

edit Replied to the wrong user