Is TikTok/Instagram a good way to advertise your game?

Greetings DevForum.
I would just like to have a small briefing from those who have successfully gained popularity by using short video platforms to advertise their games. I know how basic mechanics work, so I am looking for a detailed explanation of the estimated chance of a video going viral, the estimated growth of a channel after “x” number of days, etc. Thank you!

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I don’t have any direct statistical data but from my experience the chances of a video going viral on a social media platform is base on a number of different factors like followers, audience and how the content is delivered. Also with a platform like tick tock the after about 1 to 3 days of being out it most likely won’t have a lot of likes so it won’t be recommended to others but any day after the the third day up until a week and a half it will gain more likes and thus getting recommended more forming a loop; though as I say this will only last a week and a half as new content takes over and people just scroll past it (I forgot to mention but view time also got to do with tick tock recommendations). So in conclusion for most of the social media platforms you should expect you video to get the most popular on roughly the 7th or 6th day.

Now for the growth of a Chanel over x amount of day would be calculated by using exponential growth formula and logistic growth models, these formulas would take in the views and the amount of like and the time of upload. To figure out the actual days it would take you just need to collect data of views and likes along with the time of upload (which should be easy as most platforms show it) and input it into the fomulas.


Yes it is. Many people use these sources and if you can get a popular content creator on these platforms to play your game, your game could sky rocket. Although, you can also make videos and contents yourself. Similar to how many other people are doing for their game and minecraft servers. It would however, take quite long for the game to get to it’s goal of concurrent players. Twitter is also a good place to post game updates so that most youtubers could be willing to work with you.

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