I’m Techyfied. I’m currently working on a game called Alan’s Fan Club. Music is a really important item for my game. But I’m confused about a thing. If I download an audio from YouTube (like Alan Walker’s music for example) and then upload it as sound, will it be against tos? I want to confirm the fact because I don’t want my account deleted or waste my robux. I would be really helpful if you had help me know by replying. Thank you.
I’m pretty sure most of Alan Walker’s music is uncopyrighted. I recommend sticking to that lane or you might get terminated.
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So, I shouldn’t upload such musics. It might get my account terminated, right?
Yes. I’m pretty sure if you post a copyrighted song / sound, you would either get a warning, or your account deleted. 1 or 2 years ago, they were removing copyrighted songs, and if you got 3 strikes from Roblox, you would be banned.
Okay, thanks for letting me know! I’ll now have to use musics that are a bit changed, and available in library.