Indirecta String Encryption Algorithm
✏️ Algorithm Design
(written by ChatGPT, take with a grain of salt)
The Indirecta encryption algorithm is designed to be a symmetric encryption algorithm, meaning that the same key is used for both encryption and decryption. The algorithm takes as input a secret key, which consists of four arbitrary integers: a 6-bit integer (0…63), a 7-bit integer (0…127), a 44-bit integer (0…17592186044415), and an 8-bit integer (0…255). The algorithm then uses these integers as parameters for its encryption and decryption operations.
The algorithm first calculates a primitive root of 257 using the secret_key_7 integer. This primitive root is used to generate a multiplication parameter for the linear congruential generator used in the algorithm. The algorithm also uses the secret_key_6 integer to calculate another multiplication parameter, as well as a secret_key_44 integer to calculate an addition parameter for the linear congruential generator.
The algorithm then initializes two state variables, state_45 and state_8, with the values of zero and two, respectively. The state_45 variable is used to store the current state of the linear congruential generator, while the state_8 variable is used to generate the pseudo-random numbers.
The encryption process in the Indirecta algorithm takes a plaintext string as input and returns a ciphertext string and a seed value. The seed value is a randomly generated number that is used to set the initial state of the linear congruential generator.
The encryption process consists of the following steps:
- Generate a random seed value that has not been used before.
- Set the initial state of the linear congruential generator using the generated seed value.
- Initialize a previous value variable, prevVal, with the value of the secret_key_8 integer.
- Iterate over each character in the plaintext string.
- For each character, subtract the previous value variable and a pseudo-random byte from the character’s byte value, modulo 256.
- Set the previous value variable to the character’s byte value.
- Append the resulting byte value to the ciphertext string.
- Return the ciphertext string and the seed value.
The decryption process in the Indirecta algorithm takes a ciphertext string and a seed value as input and returns a plaintext string. The seed value is used to set the initial state of the linear congruential generator.
The decryption process consists of the following steps:
- Set the initial state of the linear congruential generator using the given seed value.
- Initialize a previous value variable, prevVal, with the value of the secret_key_8 integer.
- Iterate over each pair of characters in the ciphertext string.
- For each pair of characters, add a pseudo-random byte and the previous value variable to the byte value, modulo 256.
- Set the previous value variable to the resulting byte value.
- Append the resulting byte value to the plaintext string.
- Return the plaintext string.
Returns a new iSEA state using a secret
returns atable
Returns a new iSEA secret derived from a string passphrase
returns atable
Encrypts a string using the current state’s secret
returns atuple
state.decrypt(ciphertext, seed)
Decrypts provided ciphertext using the current state’s secret and the ciphertext’s seed
returns astring
Example usage
--// Generate random secret
local random =;
local secret = {
random:NextNumber(0, 63), --// 6-bit arbitrary integer (0..63)
random:NextNumber(0, 127), --// 7-bit arbitrary integer (0..127)
random:NextNumber(0, 17592186044415), --// 44-bit arbitrary integer (0..17592186044415)
random:NextNumber(0, 255); --// 8-bit arbitrary integer (0..255)
local isea = require(game.ServerScriptService["iSEA"]);
local state = isea.newState(secret) -- Initialize SEA using random secret
local str = "Hello metaverse!"
print("Secret 🤫: "..table.concat(state.secret,"; ")) --> 28.39305096030534; 104.46559812685938; 14484132187863.652; 11.391023692364207
local ciphertext, seed = state.encrypt(str)
print("Encrypted String: "..ciphertext) --> e680e0a92cda96cf83c239a81d85166e
print("Seed: "..seed) --> 1373726384325.5884
print("Test passed:"..tostring(state.decrypt(ciphertext, seed) == str))
local secret = ("35.84831716766803; 23.639969842435168; 3982959064904.493; 244.42364953524924"):split("; ");
local isea = require(game.ServerScriptService["iSEA"]);
local state = isea.newState(secret) -- Initialize SEA using random secret
local ciphertext = "3a7dee43cebfd7ba63011211ad813a49"
local seed = 3462364821075.735
print("Secret used 🤫: "..table.concat(state.secret,"; "))
local str = state.decrypt(ciphertext, seed)
print("Decrypted String: "..str)
print("Seed used: "..seed)
Secret Derivation
local isea = require(game.ServerScriptService["iSEA"]);
--// Generate secret from string
local passphrase = "Shhh!"
local secret = isea.deriveSecret(passphrase)
print("Passphrase used 🤫: "..passphrase)
print("Derived secret 🤫: ""HttpService"):JSONEncode(secret))
local state = isea.newState(secret) -- Initialize SEA using random secret
local str = "Hello metaverse!"
local ciphertext, seed = state.encrypt(str)
print("Encrypted String: "..ciphertext) --> e680e0a92cda96cf83c239a81d85166e
print("Seed: "..seed) --> 1373726384325.5884
print("Test passed:"..tostring(state.decrypt(ciphertext, seed) == str))
Still experimental and it’s my first time releasing a resource! Constructive criticism is very appreciated and it would be very cool to have a discussion regarding security. Have fun!
Here’s what I used it for: fosd/ at main · Indirecta-Technologies/fosd · GitHub