I basically modified some code from the ROBLOX Developer wiki. It’s supposed to change a textbox/textbutton/textlabel’s text. When i tested this script in studio, it works. But if you test it in the game client, it somehow doesn’t work.
The script (which was modified from the ROBLOX Developer Wikia)
-- i literally modified the code from the dev wiki, heres a link to the original: https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/event/UserGameSettings/FullscreenChanged
local GameSettings = UserSettings().GameSettings
local fullscreentext = script.Parent
local function checkFullScreenMode()
local inFullscreen = GameSettings:InFullScreen()
if inFullscreen then
fullscreentext.Text = "x Fullscreen "
fullscreentext.Text = "Fullscreen "
Is there any way of fixing this? Or am i doing something wrong?
First, I would double-check that you have the code in a client-sided LocalScript. Other than that, I don’t know how else to help here other than recommending that you file a bug report. It works perfectly fine for me.