Island Defenders ~ Party-Up System and Lobby Progress

:partying_face: Island Defenders Game Loop is finished!

Game Loop? :confused:
For those who don’t know, a game loop is a series of actions a player takes that revolve around eachother. Although Island Defenders’ Core game loop is finished, we still need to develop the :chart_with_upwards_trend: progression and :trophy: achievement systems near release.

While I was working hard on the core loop amongst other things, @NoGreaterGamer, Island Defenders’ builder and partner, was working just as hard on getting the core lobby concept down. Many revisions, building, and scraping later, this was the result! :open_mouth:


The best way so far to join games with cool people and friends (not saying your friends aren’t cool people) is through parties! Each party has its own leader who decides who stays and who gets kicked. The leader can also start a game with their members!

What? Another me! This is looking awfully similar to what Tower Defense Simulator is working on… Hopefully will improve by release!Would I accept your invite? YES! There may be something here to do while I wait… :mag::male_detective:

There are more features that we are working on, but I’ll leave it up to you to speculate on them and leave it a suprise for release.


Hello! Could you give more concrete information regarding the game? I’m intrigued… :heart:

Here’s a good starting place!

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That’s really cool. I strongly recommend adding custom characters and buying accessories with game coins! :wink:

Hmm, well adding custom character and accessories seems a bit unnecessary, because it’ll be harder to identify your friends, but I’m looking into adding mounts into the game like horses or dragons.

I mean it’s a way to make players grind for something and make them stay for long. But since it’s your game, I have no saying on it. :grin:

There are two factors that I’m taking into account for replayability.

  1. Adding randomness and having no max waves, so players can compete in the leaderboards for the highest wave reached.
  2. Progression in the form of unlocking new buildings and updating Island Defenders with new content.

There is a third factor that I’m still in the works of designing / researching which I’ll reveal later.

My goal isn’t to create games that suck the attention out of people, because I respect their time, and if they decide to play any of my games, their time should be enjoyable.

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