Island Generation

Hello, I am trying to create an island generator with the code below.

I need help making it look more like an island, where the edges go to sand and don’t cut right off.

I have looked it up but I can’t find any examples of it in Roblox or many in lua that work in Roblox.

If anyone can help me out, and tell me how I can achieve this. I would be so grateful.


local seed =, 100000) -- seed
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local x = 200 -- x size
local z = 200 -- z size
local noisyness = 20 -- noise
local partSize = 2 -- part size
local partY = partSize * noisyness
local chance = math.random(1, 10)
local raycaster = game.ReplicatedStorage.RayCaster:Clone()

for x = -x, x do -- terain generation
	for z = -z, z do
		local Terrainnoise = math.noise(seed, x/150, z/150) * noisyness
		local part ="Part")
		part.Name = "Part"
		part.Anchored = true
		part.Size =,partY,partSize)
		part.Position =, Terrainnoise - 9, z) * partSize
		part.Parent = game.Workspace.Island.Terrain
		if Terrainnoise >= 0.05 then -- checks if the terrain is under a threshold
			part.BrickColor ="Forest green") -- grass
			part.Material = Enum.Material.Grass
			raycaster.Parent = workspace -- tree spawner
			raycaster.Position =,20,part.Position.Z) -- tree spawner
			part.BrickColor ="Cool yellow") -- sand
			part.Material = Enum.Material.Sand

Could you add an image of your current island and what your desired islan looks like?

I don’t have an exact Roblox image but it shows what the islands look like


You can see the cuts on this one

Looks like this’s just border of generation. Increasing x and y size should help.

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I thought of that but there are a whole lot of parts and adding more will just cause lag most likely, and since it’s random there is still a chance of it happening

I’m not guarantee, but maybe try increase noisyness. It will probably will make your island smaller, and it won’t hit this border so much.

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Didn’t work very well, increasing it just made it taller revealing the edges even more, and decreasing it just made it flat, which I want some nice terrain to it.

hm… when I tried your code, I can say only 3 things:
1 - you can make islands smaller, by modifing

local Terrainnoise = math.noise(seed, x/150, z/150) * noisyness

The less 150 is, the smaller islands are
2 - you can write hard code, which will force islands to go down near borders.
3 - you can don’t change anything at all - a lot of games don’t carry about this much

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and also, 1 thing about this borders - you can load chunks of world when player comes to them.

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Yea, I wanted to do the hard code, but I’m unsure on how to detect when the generator is near a border.

I would recommend generating a two dimensional table that represents values in a circle around the center of your generation. This circle would start at value 1 in the middle and spread out to value 0 on the edges. You can then multiply each value that your perlin noise generates by its value at the coordinates in your circle table.

Here is a pretty good article:

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Really? You have borders X and Z. Just select 1-10 first numbers and 190-200 last numbers.

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Okay that makes sense I will try it!

Thanks, this should make things a lot easier!