Isn't this script Scam?

thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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The creator of the plugin, we can report he/she

No problem! If you need any more help, you can ask us (or someone else, idk lol)


I did some research and its creator was banned

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I can’t delete it from my inventory :pensive:

By the way here is a guide I made a while ago about plugins:

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This is a cool Anti-Virus I use. Maybe you could use it to scan for viruses

Not all plugins cause backdoors, you can view the code of the plugin or if they have high ratings and are trusted online, they are most likely safe. You can decide if you want to keep it or not.


looks like a backdoor, should be fine to remove

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Only download plugins from the toolbox or get it from Toolblox.

It is very rare that a malicious plugin would “copy” (via serialization) your game, so it’s nothing to worry about.

Don’t worry about it. They’re trying to scare you from deleting the script.

In fact, I don’t think it’s possible at all, good news.

No, it actually is possible. You can use the API to go through every part and it’s property, write it to a string container in XML (rbxmx) format, and send it to a webhook.

Yikes. It’s scary what one can do with webhooks.
Don’t get me wrong, I have little to none scripting experience, but can’t that only be done with a plugin and not a free model?

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Yes. Due to scripts not having a high enough context level to read the .Source property of other scripts, you cannot fully copy a game.
You can, though, download the map through a free model virus.

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Really? I was under the impression that only plugins could access other parts

Nope, since a serverscript can read the properties of other instances, there is a possibility for serialization.

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here the scammer

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guys new news Virus-Destroyer (Anti-Serverside) - Roblox this is a scam

this is real ----- Virus-Destroyer - Roblox

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