Isometric Camera vs Normal Camera? Which one is better? I can’t decide or should there be an option to choose between the two? Both are shown in the video.
I actually really like that top down view, but that might just be because I’m working on a topdown shooter xd. I think the isometric camera looks a lot cleaner, but of course you could always allow players to choose what camera they want.
I agree. I do think the isometric camera looks a lot cleaner but I’m indecisive on it because I do want the player to be able to look around the world to see every angle of it and I’m afraid limiting it to just an isometric camera would compromise that.
would it be possible for you to have a switch mode, where in that isometric camera you can press and hold a button to look around with your mouse. Or even move it around similar to a moba. Then when you release the button itll snap back to the original camera position.
I suppose. I think it’ll just be something I have to experiment with but thank you for the ideas!
I like the Isometric Camera more, the angle is perfect with the map.
I like the isometric camera but u must make a advanced one with motion blur and bobbing.
Definitely Isometric.
Poll Time
- Isometric Camera
- Normal Camera
0 voters
It depends on the game. For your game, Isometric is best. I just like how it’s a bird’s eye view. Something you should also do is make the camera use DevCameraOcclusionMode | Roblox Creator Documentation so you can see the player at all times.
I’d choose the Isometric Camera. Something about it with the tone of this game fits perfectly.
I think that the isometric camera looks a lot better. But if you want the player to be able to see more scenery then you should go with the normal camera because they can turn it. If you still can’t decide, just let the player choose!
Thank you for reminding me about that, I would’ve completely forgotten about DevCameraOcclusionMode.
Can u just tell how to use isometric camera.
How do you mean? Like how to script one?
Isometric camera looks a lot better. I suggest using that.
Got it. Dont worry. What is the best for for isometric camera.
Roblox has a tutorial on the DevHub about isometric cameras. I think that’s what he used.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local CAMERA_DEPTH = 64
camera.FieldOfView = 20
local function updateCamera()
local character = player.Character
if character then
local root = character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
if root then
local rootPosition = root.Position +, HEIGHT_OFFSET, 0)
local cameraPosition = rootPosition +, CAMERA_DEPTH, CAMERA_DEPTH)
camera.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(cameraPosition, rootPosition)
RunService:BindToRenderStep("IsometricCamera", Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value + 1, updateCamera)