I want all of my viewportframes to show a model perfectly
(chicken is how it should look, the blue guy is a little bit off, and the bear is completely wrong)
I can’t seem to figure out how to automate this, manually setting the offsets work but it’s time consuming and it isn’t perfect as it’s prone to human error
local function createViewport(item)
local slot = slotTemplate:Clone()
local viewPortFrame = viewPortTemplate:Clone()
local camera = Instance.new("Camera")
viewPortFrame.CurrentCamera = camera
viewPortFrame.Parent = slot
local model = item.Character:Clone()
model.Parent = viewPortFrame
local centerCF, size = model:GetBoundingBox()
camera.CFrame = CFrame.new((centerCF * CFrame.new(3, 3, -3)).Position, model.PrimaryPart.CFrame.Position)
camera.Parent = viewPortFrame
slot.Parent = scrollingFrame
if anyone has any tips, or knows any post about it I’d appreciate the help, I’ve looked myself but the only thing I found was isometric drawnings/art
Seems like you’re on a great start! Is the bear model bigger than the rest? If so you’d need to use its size to make the camera go farther out to see the whole model. Otherwise your position/rotation logic makes sense.
You can create the illusion of an isometric perspective by moving the camera to a far distance from the subject, and decreasing the field of view to a low number, for example:
A camera with a distance of about 200 studs away from the character, and an FOV of 70.
Notice how a lot of studs in front of and behind the character look almost similar in size, I say almost because it’s not a perfect technique, but for most situations, it should work well. It would be a good idea to play around with what FOV works for your situation as I haven’t tried this technique with ViewportFrames just yet, but I believe it should work the same.
It would also be a good idea to set the Camera.Focus property to the correct CFrame of the subject (Just in case the distance between the camera and the subject creates some kind of lower detail).