Issue adding members to the team

PC info: Windows 10
Date First Experienced 12/05/2022
Date Last Experienced 07/14/2023

Reproduction Steps:
1. Open the Talent Hub and go to My Team Pages

  1. Create a team page and enter it

  2. Click on Members

  3. Click on the little marker to add a team member to your team page

  4. Type in the name of the member you want to add and click on their name once they pop up in the sub menu

  5. Adding the member does not add them to your team even after you click on Save

Expected Behavior - Adding a member to you team adds them to the team page
Actual Behavior - Adding a member to your team does not add them and a team only has 1 person in it (the owner)

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


This should be fixed now. Do let us know if this issue is still appearing.

1 Like

Seems good.

Is the only option to mark the as members or can other roles like System Admin, or Builder be given ?