Issue changing MeshPart color on a Rig

Hello, I have been trying to make something like a boss fight recently and there is something i can’t figure out and fix. So i have a R15 Robloxian 2.0 Rig, not custom or anything, the regular one that is published by Roblox, So whenever i change the color or the material of a meshpart it doesn’t get changed. Whenever i remove the shirt it does get changed and i did also look at the shirt’s template, i even replaced it with an armless shirt and it didn’t fix the problem so it’s not about the shirt. Also whenever i create a new R15 Rig and change any meshpart’s color or material it doesn’t get changed but when i remove the humanoid it does get changed but then i can’t put on shirts. I tried a lot of ways to fix it like remove the humanoid and put it back, remove it then change the meshpart’s material and then add it back, i even made the robloxian 2.0 R15 Rig completely out of parts then put mesh’s inside, it did work but i couldn’t put on a shirt. I researched an a lot of people had the same issue for a long while and Roblox just doesn’t fix it. Any possible fixs or ways to do?

Check if the MeshPart has a texture or a SurfaceAppearance is parented to it.

Nope, there isn’t anything. I’ve tried them before but they didn’t work either.

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Is there a BodyColors in the rig?

There was, but i removed it to change the color of the meshpart’s

But it still doesn’t work?

Yeah, if you want i can create a model of my rig and put the link here:

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Im working on RightHand MeshPart

Ok I think there’s some sort of misunderstanding. Can you explain again what your problem is? Sorry for the inconvenience.
From what I can tell, your problem is solved by just removing BodyColors. I tried it on your model and I was able to change the colors of the MeshParts just fine.

Okay so, Take the R15 Robloxian 2.0 Rig. There are Meshpart’s inside of it. My problem is i can’t change the material or the color of the Meshpart’s. That is my problem. I need to change them in order to continue my project. My theory is i can’t change them because of the humanoid inside.

And I need to change them manually

Heres a video of it

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Try changing the upper arm. The Humanoid makes it so that you can only change the color of the entire arm. And for no reason in particular, they decided to make it so that you have to change the upper arm and it ignores the rest.

Okay when i changed the upper arm’s color it did work but how do i change the material? changing the material of upper arm’s doesnt work

Okay color works but material doesn’t

Okay that’s literally just the shirt. I guess you can weld another hand onto the hand. Just name it something else.
I personally would just export the rig to Blender, add materials, and then import it back to Roblox. Then you could use bones for posing as well, but that’s besides the point.

I did try changing the shirt into armless ones and etc. but i think it doesn’t let me change the material of the meshparts. Can i change the material of the meshparts through blender?

I think you should just duplicate the hands and weld them to the real hands. Then make the real hands invisible.

Thats what im gonna do i think but animating and etc. becomes a little harder then but thats the best option. thank you

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