Issue importing mixamo animations

So I am importing a mixamo animation but when I import it to roblox and use it as an attack animation; I cannot rotate with it. It automatically sets my position anyone know why?


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Check the script above :slight_smile:

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mixamo has a “mirror” checkbox. check it and redownload the animation. next time search the dev forums for answers since i’ve posted this answer on a different post aswell, where I assume you are part of with the developers of that game.

some back information. the mirror option basically does the same thing a mirror does, change the direction of the animation which is usefull if the animation is animated the wrong direction.

If you can take a video, that would be very helpful.

This has been solved. Thank you guys but the plugin creator replied to me!

Would you like to share that response for the possible other people hanging around that have the same problem?

Rotate the rig 180 degrees and it should sort out your problem.

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I have the same issue but when i rotate it nothing happens He walks like Michael Jackson