I wanna make the character stand properly on the pod despite of it’s height, but differently from applying appearance on R6, the R15 changes it’s height based on the character configutarions.
So we got the default dummy right? it’s height is properly for standing on the pod
But when it comes to another appearance (my avatar for example) it can start floating:
Or clip the ground:
A solution i’ve tried is unanchoring and anchoring again, it “kinda” worked but it is definetely not the viable solution.
So is there a way to fix this in a easier way or i am gonna need to rely on hacky methos?
local idList = {1568877953--[[3020455 9666793, 571377746]]} -- Using that table just to test different characters appearances
for i,v in pairs(idList) do
local humanoid = script.Parent.Humanoid
local humDescription = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(v)
local dummyModel = humanoid.Parent
humanoid.AutomaticScalingEnabled = false
humanoid.AutomaticScalingEnabled = true