The avatar is R15 of course. Imagine the special mesh is a medal in server storage, I’m trying to create a clone and make the clones parent the character’s upper torso so that it appears visible on the upper torso. Not working out. Not creating a clone does not make a difference. I’m pretty sure my issue is nomenclature/referencing.
Thanks, your solution worked, the parenting was a success, however, after the parenting, for some reason, I can’t see the special mesh, it’s not on the avatar even though it was parented into the uppertorso according to the Explorer.
The handle is not transparent and the special mesh has its texture and mesh ids inserted as normal. Can’t figure out what I’m missing.
You can imaging that I’m trying to add an accessory onto the avatar.
You’d also need to weld it to the part you’re attaching it to. I’m guessing you can’t see the part because it’s fallen to the ground…
-- clone the medal thing
local medalAssetClone = medalAsset.Handle:Clone()
medalAssetClone.Parent = player.Character
-- weld it
local weld ="Weld")
weld.Part0 = player.Character:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso")
weld.Part1 = medalAssetClone
weld.Parent = medalAssetClone
Now if you don’t know how to work with welds much, you might notice that this puts the medal thing at the center of the UpperTorso part. You might want to adjust the offset of the weld, like
weld.C0 =,1,-0.5) -- this puts it at front, top of the torso