Issue Positioning Frame at Parent Edges

Hello! I’m having trouble positioning a “pointer” frame correctly on the edges of its parent frame.

  • When the pointer’s anchor point is at (0, 0) and I set the X position to 0, it works fine.
  • However, when I set the X position to 1, the pointer goes out of bounds.
  • Changing the anchor point to (1, 0) causes the opposite issue, and (0.5, 0) doesn’t place the pointer on either edge.

Setting the parent’s AutomaticSize to X stretches the parent, which isn’t what I want. (I mean this should’ve been obvious but I still tried)

Can anyone help with a solution to fix this?

You have to adjust both the anchor point and the position. For example:

At 50%:

AnchorPoint → 0.5, 0
Position → 0.5, 0, 0, 0

At 75%:

AnchorPoint → 0.75, 0
Position → 0.75, 0, 0, 0

At 100%:

AnchorPoint → 1, 0
Position → 1, 0, 0, 0

Alternatively, you can create a frame that is exactly a width less than the gradient frame, and parent the white pointer to the new frame with an anchor point of 0, 0.

The green frame is the adjusted box, black is the pointer. Notice how the adjusted box is smaller than the gradient box by exactly the width of the pointer:


This way you don’t need to adjust the anchor point, although the pointer may be inaccurate in some cases.

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