Issue searching for objects with numbers in there names

My issue is that when I search for an object with numerical values in it’s name, the search returns every object with that number in it’s name.

The Object I am searching for is named “3Wedge” and the use case for this object is to be placed at the mouse position.

Here is a video:

Here is a screenshot of the objects in Replicated Storage with the same number in their names:

Numerical Name Search Error Replicated Storage Screenshot

Here is how I am searching for the object:

Server-Sided Script:

BPRE ="RemoteEvent")
BPRE.Name = "BloPlaRE"
BPRE.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage
run = game:GetService("RunService")

BPRE.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, label, cf)
		for i, v in pairs(game.ReplicatedStorage.PartFolder:GetDescendants()) do
			if v.Name == label then

				if v:IsA("Part") or v:IsA("MeshPart") then
					BuildBlock = v:Clone()
					BuildBlock.Transparency = 0
					BuildBlock.Name = label
					BuildBlock.Parent = game.Workspace.PlotBlocks				
					BuildBlock.CFrame = cf
					BuildBlock.Anchored = true
					BuildBlock.CanCollide = false
					hb = BuildBlock:WaitForChild("HitBox")
					hb.CFrame = BuildBlock.CFrame
					hb.Anchored = true
					hb.CanCollide = false

The term “label” is referring the text property of the Gui Button, which in this case is “3Wedge” as shown in the video.

Again, the issue is that when I search for the object named “3Wedge” the search results return every object with the number 3 in it’s name.

Does anybody have a solution to this issue?

Whenever I want to search for an object I just use Control P. It makes me life so much easier especially when searching for stuff.

I don’t really understand, but you can instead of finding an object like Object.Object.Ect you can do ["Object1"]["Object2"].Property