Issue starting roblox studio on Mac OS X

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Make Roblox Studio work again on my Mac OS Sonoma

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

My Roblox Studio is getting stuck into the login screen, it’s gray because of the dark mode on my mac but nothing will ever appear on the small page.

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
  • Reinstalled roblox studio multiple times,
  • Deleted every com.roblox files inside of library>preferences to let them reinstall
  • Tried starting studio from the desktop software
  • Tried starting studio from the create page of roblox
  • Tried starting studio through a group game

After that, you should include more details if you have any. Try to make your topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help you!

My Mac is running under Sonoma 14.2.1, and maybe roblox isn’t updated for that mac version yet. But this would be strange since the normal Roblox works perfectly.

Hi, looks like you were stuck in the “login window” page thingy. Perhaps you can clear the cache for Studio that relates to that?

I have this exact same issue, that does not work, reinstalling studio, removing all browser cache, nothing works.

See? Still persists.

One more funny thing that using Login Via Browser crashes the roblox instance that gets made.

I just updated my Studio application recently and it hasn’t encountered this bug, even if I’m on the latest OS update too. I might suggest submitting a bug report if necessary as a final resort.

I found a fix to my problem,
Seems like @anon81993163 was right, clearing com.RobloxStudio cache fixed my problem. To repeat this process :

  • Open finder,
  • At the top click on Go,
  • Press alt (option) while in the page to show the Library,
  • Go into Library,
  • Find and enter the folder Caches,
  • Find and enter the folder com.RobloxStudio,
  • press CMD + A to select all of it’s subfolders,
  • Delete them all (DO NOT DELETED THE FOLDER com.RobloxStudio ITSELF, JUST ITS CONTENT)
  • Start studio and it should be fixed.