I’m currently using a forked version of the Roblox Legacy Chat Service.
I was able to set up a system where it’d attempt italicize/bold text depending on asterisks around your message.
The issue arises when the bubble chat pops up, it doesn’t italicize/bold the text.
I understand that I need to enable Rich Text on it, but I cannot find where the bubble chat GUIs are handled.
There is this Bubble Chat local script which comes with the forked module, but it has nothing to do with this bubble chat in the image. I even disabled it, and the bubble chat above was working completely fine.
Here is what that local script does:
Yes, it does exactly what I ask for, but… that format/gui is iffy and not to my liking. If anyone could please help me find where the actual bubble chat is handled, that’d be amazing, thank you!