I ran into a issue. Not sure if it’s my script or it’s Roblox itself, or it’s just a module cooldown.
I am stress testing my generator module, and encryption module.
My generator module can generate a multi-string that has numbers and uppercase - lower case letters.
It can generate to any length of the number given.
My encryption module uses the generator module to make an encrypted multi-string, and gives that back when done.
It requires a KeyCode, and the string or multi-string that it can encrypt.
The Keycode helps find the thing that you have encrypted, and then it will return what you have given it to encrypt. AKA, it decrypts it.
What it’s not doing during the stress test is it’s not giving back what I wanted to encrypt, and instead leaves it blank.
Nothing is wrong with my encryption module, or the script that is requiring it.
Encryption module:
It’s using a dictionary.
It’s using a table to store in the dictionary.
The key would be the keycode.
There will be three values, the keycode, encrypted, decrypted.
During the stress test, only 1 result was available.
Also not to mention, it also checks if the thing that you wanted to encrypt was a string, and if it wasnt then it doesnt do anything. If not then it will do something. I am using typeof
local a = 1
local test = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Generator)
local KeyC = test:Generate()
local t = 'Stress testing.'
test = require(script.Parent.EncryptorHandler)
a = a + 1
until nil