Issue with a local script not listening for this bindable event

I dunno if i’m just stupid, but yeah.
I have this bindable event that fires whenever the time of day changes. I want to have this script listen for it and close dialogue when fired. however, for some reason, the function is just not connecting.

function inside a local script

	if script.Parent.Visible == true then
		if talking == true then
			stop = true
		showText("My apologies, but I have to go make an announcement real quick! Be back in a jiffy!")

(that bell sound happens when the event fires)
as you can see, it does nothing

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Put a print right under the first line to see if the client even recieved the event…

put something like print("Recieved", tod). This will print recieved aswell as whatever the Tod variable contains.

is the event being fired from another local script?

No would that be the issue then
Sorry im a little dumb when it comes to events
How would i make the local script recieve it

yes bindable events are server to server or client to client, use a remote event for what you’re doing then (remote events are client to server or vice-versa)

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Way ahead of you buddy, i already did that

issue is ive been working on this for months and changing the type of event it uses will require me going into a lot of scripts and changing it. should i make a new remote event that fires when this one does that my script will listen for?

Can you show us the full scripts? Both local scripts

We have already discussed its fired by a server script and called for in a local script, which isnt possible (I didn’t know :[)

Also, this worked

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