I dunno if i’m just stupid, but yeah.
I have this bindable event that fires whenever the time of day changes. I want to have this script listen for it and close dialogue when fired. however, for some reason, the function is just not connecting.
function inside a local script
if script.Parent.Visible == true then
if talking == true then
stop = true
showText("My apologies, but I have to go make an announcement real quick! Be back in a jiffy!")
(that bell sound happens when the event fires)
as you can see, it does nothing
yes bindable events are server to server or client to client, use a remote event for what you’re doing then (remote events are client to server or vice-versa)
issue is ive been working on this for months and changing the type of event it uses will require me going into a lot of scripts and changing it. should i make a new remote event that fires when this one does that my script will listen for?