Issue with Animation command script

I’m working on a system that allows players to trigger an animation using /e command

for example (/e kneel = triggers an kneeling animation)

the script uses a Bool Value to track whether an animation is playing or not.

normally if a command was fired (/e kneel, /e sit etc) the bool value will be set to true and the animation would start playing, if the command is fired again while the value is true the value would turn false and the animation would stop.

my issue is whenever there are more players in the server the script tends to glitch out. while firing the command, the value would turn true than deactivates itself (turns false and stop the animation entirely) this glitch even if the value is true or false.

code below

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character

local pose1 = script.PlaceInChar:FindFirstChild("AnimPose1")
pose1.Parent = Character
local Pose1Finder = Player.Character.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(pose1)

toggle1 = script.Pose1.Active


	if msg == "/e praying" then

		if toggle1.Value == false then
			toggle1.Value = true
			pose1.AnimationId = script.Pose1.praying.AnimationId
			anim1 = Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(pose1)

			print("animation activated")

		elseif toggle1.Value == true then
			toggle1.Value = false
			print("animation deactivated") 


	if msg == "/e pushup" then

		if toggle1.Value == false then
			toggle1.Value = true
			pose1.AnimationId = script.Pose1.pushup.AnimationId
			anim1 = Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(pose1)

			print("animation activated")

		elseif toggle1.Value == true then
			toggle1.Value = false
			print("animation deactivated") 



the gui to the right shows the value repeating itself, I call the command to stop the animation & value the bool value listens than it goes back to the stage it was just in.

Why not just change the animation id for the emotes in the core startercharacter script?
I also think there should be a way for you to add things like “/e pushup” to the core scripts too. i cant say i know how, but im about 90% sure there should be a way to do that

Also this is a scripting issue, not a education issue/support topic. you should get more help using the correct topic

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doing so will still resort in the same glitch occurring.